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Invited Talks
Invited Talks
Guest Speaker @ Becton Dickinson, "How to approach UX for Health Tech products", Septmeber 2020
Women In Product, Annual Conference 2020, "PM Hack: Being Nimble with User Testing", October 2020, link to talk
Product School, Silicon Valley Campus, "How to approach UX for Health Tech products", January 2020
Product School, Silicon Valley Campus, "Product Management in Health Tech", October 2019
Skipcard's Product Management Speaker Series, HQ in San Francisco, "How to build successful health tech products as a PM", October 2019
Product School, San Francisco Campus, "Product Management in Health Tech", June 2019, link to talk
As Guest Lecturer
Featured Lecturer for Product School's Masterclass on "How to Build Digital Products" & "How to make Strategic Product Decisions" , 2020
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